
BR 2-01: The Quest (Hunt & Brychta, 1993)

This story is a magical story and this story like a adventure games. I like this book, because I like fantasy stories. If you like fantasy stories, you would like this book, too. I'll tell you about this book.

This story's contents are there is a girl, Wilma. One day, she wrote a fantasy story. Suddenly, she came into that story! In that story, she had to bring back a crystal bell from a villain, the evil Grimlock. There ware some difficulties. For example, there were mud swamp, a dragon and basilisk. They were terrible things for her, but she conquered them. I impressed her, because if I meet them, I couldn't conquered  them.

At last, they came Grimlock's castle. They failed to bring back the crystal bell, but they could bring back that. Why they brought back that? There was funny cause for me. The bell sounded loudly. Grimlock couldn't bear that sound. In the end, he asked them for their help. I laughed that. After that, that world became piece and Wilma could back her world.

I thought this story's ending is disappointing ending. So, Grimlock is a villain of this story which is very week. I think this story is funny story. I want to read that stories.

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Roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta. 2003. The Quest. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Reflections on Writing III

This writing III class was a very important class for me. I think blogging is a practice of writing English sentences. Other, we read about 10 books in spring term. I think it is a practice, too. Reading books which is written in English is a practice of reading English sentences more quickly. To tell the truth, I could read books which is written in English more quickly. I want to read more English books, and read them more quickly former myself. I think go library in this university, and read more English books. When I graduate this university, I want to be a great English speaker and a great English user.

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Something special I did during vacation

Much pleasant recollections were made during this summer vacation. It is having gone to a place called Aso YMCA which Aso includes together with the member of extracurricular activities first of all to camp. Fireworks were carried out, and it gave each other up with the water balloon, and played. And it is practice of a daily guitar. Gathering and practicing on the regular day, he carried out various talks and enjoyed himself. It discusses and decided he not only to to enjoy himself, but how to perform. Much recollections to the extent that it cannot finish writing here were able to be made from this summer vacation. I would like to make much recollections to the extent that the summer vacation of this year is not lost during the summer vacation of next year, either.
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Good and bad points about summer

I think good points of summer are we can go to pool, and we can eat cool foods. Summer is the most hot season in a year. So, we need cool things. I think it best to enter into water, for overcoming summer. After entered into water, I eat ice cream. It is the highest combination in my inside. However, summer have bad things. I think bad point of summer is summer is very hot season in a year. It will also become impossible to like to do because of the heat of summer. A pleasant thing occurs in summer and the hard thing also has.
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How I study during the vacation

I would like to study English also during the summer vacation as before. Since I have done study of a word, and study of an idiom until now, I would like to carry out those study succeedingly. However, since it is meaningless if you study only a word and idioms and English cannot be read, I read many books etc. which were written in English, and regard them as liking to deepen English degree of comprehension. First of all, he wants to read from the readable book. Since he likes a tale, I would like to read such a book. I would like to buy one book written in English and to read it.
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What classes I will take

In this university, there are two study terms. They are s spring term and an autmun term. I will take the same lesson as a spring term at an autumn term. It is because it becomes less puzzling and was easy to carry out completion registration, also when completion registration was carried out, a lecture on the same lesson was taken and he studied. I think that a certain amount of [ me ] unit will become without dropping a unit if the lesson is received exactly, since it is acquirable. I want to be more innteligent man. So, I think study more than spring term.
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Vacation plans

I have many things in this summer vacation. One, I must practice the guitar to Takuma festival. I want to get the best music award this year too. So, I want to be a good guitar player. Other, I must prepare to make some foods for Takuma festival. Next, I will go camp with my club members. We will go to Aso YMCA in Aso. It must be pleasure! It is one of my pleasures in this summer vacation. In this summer vacation, I have many things. I want to make the best memories with my club members. So, I think I enjoy this summer vacation.
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