
Essay 1-02b: My best life in KGU

Hi, third year SHS students and transfer students! I'm a student in Kumamoto Gakuen University student. I'll tell you about university life. First, I think that university life is the most pleasant life. For example, we can enjoy doing club activities. I'm joining in music club. My club have been performing latin music for 41years. Latin music is very pleasant to perform.

KGU have seven music clubs. There are latin music, jazz, rock music, modern folk music, mandolin, guitar, chorus in KGU. There are all wonderful clubs. It is possible to perform music with the people of other music clubs, and to play together if you join the music club.  The music that of each performs is talked, and for instance, it can eat meal, and it go to karaoke together

There are other kinds of not only the music club but also a variety of cultural clubs, societies, and Nautilus rooms in KGU.Relations in the club go to play somewhere very often together, eat meal, and go out for a drink together though are a separate clubs. A lot of numbers also of friends in another club increase, and therefore, club activities becomes happy and the exchanges other than club activities become very happy, too.

We can be concentrated things except doing music to another on my hobby, too.  For example, reading books, watching movies, playing sport, and so on. KGU have a very big library. It have three stories and very wide area. It is there to the cartoon, the newspaper of one year, the technical book, and the encyclopedia. We often exploit studying, writing reports of class, reading news papers and books, and so on. It is there to many DVDs of movies and videos. We can watch them in library and rent them until a day that should be returned. I want to use library many more. Library is very nice area. I want you to use it by all means because it noticed it uses for one year and it is convenient.

Other, you can go to play in many places with your friends. Kumamoto have many fantastic places, so it is possible to enjoy it most in the current lives. The Kumamoto castle is a very solemnity building. Suizenji park have a very big and verybeautiful lake. There are a lot of wonderful places and buildings that I have not known yet in Kumamoto.

University life is very pleasant. I will enjoy the university life together because it will lose the university life if it doesn't enjoy it.

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