
BR 1-03 Snow Magic!

I'll tall you about this story. This is a book about a man which uses snow for business.

 wanted to read a book about science with English, because I like science. After I was looking for that, I found this book, but this book isn't science book. This is a biography a man which uses snow for business. I was disappointment that I found this book isn't science book, but it was funny story. The content of that book is a man make snow in area where it snow little to ski for many people with snow machine. It is thought that it is easy to make the snow with the machine, but it is difficult. It need many knowledges and many experiences.  I thought making snow with machine is not easy, because it is easy to make snow with machine.

I don't like biographies by now, but I found biographies are funny. At this occasion, I wanted to read not only the fantasy but also a lot of biographies.

[170 words]

Reference: Rob Waring(2008)  THOMSON HEINLE

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