
BR 2-02: The Chalk Circle (Brash& Dawson, 2007)

I read The Chalk Circle. I'll talk about this story. This story is teaching for everyone who read this story. We must probably read this book.

It is that story which two girls were scrambling for the single MP3 player in this story. This story is very short story, but this story have nice teaching. It is the really owner handle his things carefully. I thought it is sure thing after read this story. A person who isn't the really owner don't handle his things carefully.  It is a sure thing for everyone.

I think some need things for people is honest heart. I thought like that after read this story. We must read this story to know really need things for everyone and you!

[128 words]

Brasch, Nicolas,& Dawson, Amanda. (2007). The Chalk Circle. South Melbourne: Thomson Learning Australia.

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