
Tasting Party of Curry

At Sunday, we held a tasting party of curry. Why we held a tasting party of curry, reason we'll sell many curries in Takuma Festival. Curry is easy to make and we can make many curries. We made two types of curry. It is mild curry and spicy curry. Spicy curry is included many strong spices. When I ate that, I was surprised by spicy curry. It was too spicy to eat a curry. After ate spicy curry, I mixed mild curry to spicy curry. I thought I cannot eat spicy curry.

We'll sell them in 435 class in Takuma Festival. If you had interest for our curries, please buy our curries and eat them. I think you'll cannot eat our curries. If you ordered curry set, you could eat potato salad too. I could make good taste potato salad. If you wanted to eat our good taste potato salad, please would ordered curry set.

Tasting party of curry finished in success, but we couldn't ate all curries. We left unfinished curries, because we make too many to eat curries and too spicy to eat. Next year, I want to hold tasting party of curry, but I don't want to hold it like this year.

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