
Toy Story 3

In Thursday, I wathched a movie. That movie was "Toy Story 3." Last year, this movie was broated. I wanted to watch it, but I cannot watch that movie, because I forgot watching that movie. I felt very strong sadness. However, I watched that movie with DVD of that movie.

In Thursday, I went to a shop which rentals many DVDs and many Blue-ray discs. When I looked that DVD, I was so happy and very excited. I'm a fan for "Toy Story" series. I want to some goods of "Toy Story", but I don't have some goods. I don't have money to buy them and spaces to put them. I want them someday. I think that day comes long days after.

This movie is heart warming story, but there were some terribre scenes. However, in the end of story of this movie, I was moved. This movie is very good. This movie became my favorite movie. After I watched this movie, I want to other movie of this series again. I want to buy DVDs of this movie series. Please watch this DVD. You will be a fan of this "Toy Story" series after watch this movie.

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