
BR 1-11 Anna Goes to the Zoo

I'll tell you about this book. This book has short story, but this book make us warm. I think this book is heart warming story. There is a family. They were going to go to the zoo, but a girl named Anna didn't want to go the zoo. They went to the zoo, but Anna looksd like not funny. After, she suggest to go to snake house for her early brother, Joe. Joe didn't go to there, but she bring him snake house. After that, she could feel happy, and Joe became like snakes. It is a easy exploiment about this story.

I think this book tells us about importance of enjoying with family. I think enjoying with family is important for us. This book is very nice, I think.

[133 words]

Carmel Reilly, & Karen Young
South Melbourne : Thomson Learning Australia, 2007

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