
Letter to a Home Stay Family 1b

How are you? My name is Takahiro Yamasaki. Please call me 'Taka.' I'm a Japanese student and university student. I'm studying English now, but I can't speak English. I want to be a good English speaker in the near future. I'll use English for business in the near future.

I wear blackish red glasses. It is little expensive. My eyesight is very poor, because it this, glasses have thick lenses. It was so strong. Other people can't wear my grasses. I'll improve my ability of English grammar, speaking, and listening. I want to study more there. I think this stay is a starting experience, so I'll study hard.

I don't know about many things there, and I want to know many things which I don't know. Would you tell me many things? For example, I want to know history, culture, foods, and so on. If you told tell me many things which I don't know, I would become very glad, because I can know many things which I don't know. Studying English grammar, speaking, and listening is important, but I want to study about culture too there. While I'm there, please be careful with me, because I may feel culture shock. My heart is so delicate. Please be careful about my heart.

I like eating, but I have slender body, because everyone say I don't eat  much. I like meat and fish, but I like fish better than meat, because I like sushi and sashimi. Meat was cooked sushi, but they are few chances. But I like meat too. I like beef so much. My best meat meals are grilled slices of meat and a barbecue. It is very good  taste too. Please cook them! Other, I want to eat some vegetables. Health is the most important thing I think.

Traveling to a foreign country is my first trip so, but I had traveled by myself. I traveled to Sendai. I'm looking forward to going abroad and meeting you. I want to make friends with you and get along with you for long time. I want to make contact with you by e-mail and international phone. It is a valuable chance for me. I want to make this experience the stuff of my life. I may give you trouble during this trip. Please don’t get irritated with me. I want to make this trip a good experiences. My heart is beating fast, because I haven't ever went abroad and I'm looking forward to arriving in your country. Please tell me many things about your culture and English things. I want to study English more and want to become a very good English speaker . Well, please take care of me on this trip as best you can.

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