
BR 1-12: Slow Down, Mrs Brown!

I'll tell you about the story of this book. This book is funny story. There is a old woman named Mrs Brown. This story is that she run the bases recklessly with her scooter. But this doing was very dangerous,and it gave trouble to many people. One day, people paied attention to her. After that, her face got red. After read this situation, I thought what a cute woman she is. I was surprised by last scean. It was she raced her scooter in the empty parking lot in late at night. I was surprised and laughed. I think she went mad by that scooter. After read this book, I become pleasant emotion.

I want to get a a licence of scooter. After read this book, I think I don't want to become this like this woman. This book may a textbook about keep traffic rules.

[149 words]

Julie Mitchell , & Ken Rinkel
South Melbourne : Thomson Learning Australia, 2007

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