

I like special effects TV and them heros and heroines. I like super ranger series and masked raider series. They are very cool! I wathched these TV programs when I was childhood. However, I watched masked rider OOO last summer. Masked rider is said Kamen rider in Japan. I was excited by this TV program. So, I started watched special effects TV programs. I like hero. So, I want to watch special effects TV programs more. I watched some masked rider TV programs. For example, I watched masked rider OOO, Forze, W, and so on. OOO is read Ooz in Japanese. Japanese heros are very cool for me. So, I want to watch these TV programs with ny children in future.

[120 words]

Coming-of-age ceremony

Day before yesterday, I went to Coming-of-age ceremony in Nagasaki.I came back to Nagasaki for this thing only. Coming back to Nagasaki by shinkansen and trains. It was so hard for me. I was tired by this thing. This ceremony was happines thing for me. However, this Coming-of-age ceremon was very bored thing for me. It was hearing some speaches only. Other, I couldn't find my friends who I was high school student, but I could find a friend who I was junior high school student. I was happy when I found him. However, this ceremony was very very very bored thing!! Finished this ceremony, I came back my home, and I went to my home in Kumamoto. It was 9 o'clock. Next day, there were class. So, I slept early. I ate sushi when I came back to my home with my famoly. That sushi was very good tasty! I love sushi!

[160 words]


I developed my skills of English by this class, Writing IV. In this class, I read many books which is written in English. Reading English book was fresh thing for me. I read many English books this year. It is too many to count English books. However, I read easy English books. I read English books which is level 0 to 2 only. I want to read more difficult English books. I'll read Harry Potter by I graduate KGU.

I write many English words on this blog. There were many English words which I haven't know. I search these words when I found  these words when I write this blog. So, I think I could study many English words. However, there are English words
which I don't know now. So, I think that I study English words after this year.

Speed typing made me speedy type man.

[150 words]

My Favorite Book

My favorite book is written by Makoto Raiku. He is a caricaturist in Japan. He wrote many funny cartoons. For example, he wrote Konjiki no Gash!, Doubutsu no kuni, and so on. His pictures are very cool. I like his pictures. He can write cool character, cute chaacter, funny character, terrrer character, and so on. I like them. Other this, his story is funny, cool and fresh story. I like his story so much. When I was elementary school student, I bought his comic book. It was first time of buying his comic books. After that, I read that. It was very funny for me. I bought all of that comic books. There were Konjiki no Gash! After finished Gash, he wrote animal story. That thema is life of animals. I was shocked after read this book when it was first time of read this comic. His comic have hard charm. I want to read his comic more, and I want him to continue a life of caricaturist.

[168 words]

My Favorite Vacation Memory

My favorite vacaton memory is going zoo in Nagasaki with my family in summer when I was four years in elementary school. The name of that zoo which we went is Nagasaki bio park. Going there was very joyful. A picture which was taken with my family is in my home in Nagasaki. There is a rare zoo in Japan. Theer is a reason why Nagasaki bio park is rare zoo. That reaso is we can touch many animals. Touching animals is rarely experience in our life. FOr example, we can touch llama, capybara, a tortoise, and a squirrel monkey, and so on in this zoo. We touched many animals. This is a funny experience. I feed some branches for giraffe. This is a funny experience, too. We cannot expect that touching animals, feed some foods for animals. However, we can do like these things in there. I want to go there again. Playing in there is my favorite memory.
[160 words]

My Favorite Place I've Been

My favorite place I'e been is Tokyo Disney Land. When I was a popil, I lived in Yokohama in Kanagawa. I sometimes went to Tokyo Disney Land with my family. There is a dream and magic country in Japan. The atractions in this place were very joyfull.My best atraction is 'It's a small world.' My best place in Tokyo Disney Land is Cartoon City. This area is where Disney character lives there. For example, there are Mickey Mouse, Minny Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, and so on. I like Mickey mouse. So, this area was my dream land. I watched parade in there. When I watched that parade first time, I received hard shock! That parade was so great. I met some famous Disney characters. I remenber that memory so hard in my brain. I want to go there again. If I had money and time, I want to go there with my gorl friend.

[157 words]

My Favotite Dessert

My favorite dessert is Chinese-style almond jelly. Japanese call this dessert Annindoufu. My favorite Chinese-style almond jelly is bought in Lowson. It is the best Chinese-style almond jelly. The first time of eating it was when I was junior high school student. It is my favorite taste.  When I have money and I'm hungry, I sometimes buy it. Chinese-style almond jelly has white body and peculiar fragrance. I like that fragrance. Sometimes, a Chinese matrimony vice is on them. That is seed. I don't like that. That seed taste strange taste. I don't like that taste. Sometimes, mangoo is on this dessert when I ordered this dessert. I feel hard happiness when I looks that mangoo is on this dessert. I don't eat Chinese-style almond jelly these days. I don't have a eason why I don't eat Chinese-style almond jelly. So, I want to eat this dessert if I have money and time.

[165 words]

BR 2-19: Dinosaur Dan (Bank& Payne)

I'll talk about a story of this book.

A hero of this story is a T-rex. His name is Dan. I like dinosaur. When I was a pupil, I watched a movie of dinosaur. Dan met a little dinosaur. Her name is Lucy Lizard. She told him there is a bigger animal than Dan. I and Dan was surprised this thing which is said by Lucy Lizard. In the end of this story, they searched a biggest animal. It was very big! The big animal is elephant. I think this is very big! However, this animal is two elephant. It's not one animals. I laughed when I know this thing.

This story is so funny. I some times do mistaking like this.

[125 words]
Banks Greg& Payne Mark.Dinosaur Dan. 2004.
South Yarra : Macmillan Education Australia

BR 2-18: Brian Fixit (Johnstone& Stewart)

I'll tell you about a story of this book.

There is a boy. His name is Brian. In this book, Brian fix some things. In this book, Brian fixed water pipes in his home, electric light bulb, fence in outside, and his cart for playing. After read this book, I want to be good at fixing somethings.

I'm not good at fixing anythings. I cannot fix anythings.

[69 words]

Johnstone Janette& Stewart James. Brian Fixit.2004.
South Yarra : Macmillan Education Australia

BR 2-17: A Hot Day at the Farm (Pile& Burnett)

I'll talk about a story of this book.

The heroes and heroines in this story are animals. They are a pig, a cow, a horse, a sheep, a duck, and a dog. The main place of this story is a farm. I had read some stories like this story many time. A day, they play around this farm, track, and so on. We looks this playing is running in this farm. After play in farm, they go and swim in water. They go into water, but pig cannot swim better, and she drown in water! I was surprised by this scene.  After that, this animals helped pig.

I think human must help each other people. I was taught this thing by this book.

[124 words]

Pile Murray& Burnett Jeff. A Hot Day at the Farm. 2004.
South Yarra : Macmillan Education Australia


BR 2-16: Give us the Money (Clarke)

I'll talk about a story of this book.

This book is a cartoon book. Gray looks Serena was attacked by shieve, and he helped Serena. However, this scene is a one scene of a film. After that, he crashed gang term, and he took a bag was filled real money by his mistake. Gray and Serena was chased by this gang term. I was excited this scene. After that, they escaped with a red open car. When I read this scene, I was moved by this scene. I think escaping with car is great scene. This escape was like a film. Finally, they could escape and this gang term was arrested.

This escaping of this book is like a film. My best scene was escaping with car by real gang term. I like car stant. This book is my favorite book!

[142 words]

Clarke Maeve. Give us the Money. 2001 Oxford : Oxford University Press

BR 2-15: Mercury and the Woodcutter (Reilly& Mitchell)

I'll talk about a story of this book.

I have read a story like this story. Japanese say like this story 'Kin no Ono, Gin no Ono.' The different of that story and this story is god and fairy. God appears in front of woodcutter when woodcutter falt his axe. However, in another story, a fairy appears in front of woodcutter when he falt his axe.

When I was children, I like his story, and I want to be a honest man. The woodcutter is a honest man in this story. I want to be a honest man after read this book. Thing like this story maybe happen someday. I believe this thing.

[113 words]

Reilly Carmel& Mitchel-Wallace Jane.Mercury and the Woodcutter. 2007.
South Melbourne : Thomson Learning Australia

BR 2-14: Thomas Edison (Reilly)

I'll talk about a story of this book.

This book is wrote about Thomas Edison. I know Thomas Edison, but I know him little. I know he make electronic light with bamboo, and he couldn't answer about 1 plus 1.

This book tell me many things about Thomas Edison which I haven't known him for twenty years. For example, his job was selling newspapers on trains and work telegraph machines.

Other, he developed many useful developments. For example, he developed his printing telegraph, a phonograph, p phonograph with boxes of records, an early telephone, a knitegraph. I don't know about these development. I didn't know Edison development these.

I think Thomas Edison is the greatest developper in the world. He developed these useful developments, because I think Edison is the greatest developper in this world.

[140 words]

Carmel Carmel.Thomas Edison. 2007. South Melbourne : Thomson Learning Australia

BR 2-13: Jump! (Millett& Scales)

I'll tell you about a story about this book.

This book is a story about sky diving. I haven't done sky diving. I want to do sky diving someday, but I'm not good at high height places. Four men do sky diving in them private time. It looks joy. In fact, they felt terrer in first time of sky diving. However, they enjoyed doing sky diving. I want to sky diving someday.

When I watch TV, TV stars do sky diving. I think sky diving is terree thing. However, after read this book I was taught sky diving is a joyful thing. So, I want to do sky diving someday.

[113 words]

Millett Peter& Scales Simon. Jump! 2007. South Melbourne : Thomson Learning Australia

BR 2-12: Buzz Takes Over (Reily& Young)

I'll talk about this story.

A hero is a alien. His name is Buzz. He has two protruded eyes, three fingers in his hands, six arms, and pink and short body. I couldn't believe that this alien is a hero in this story. He has a friend. his name is Zip. He has legs like tire, two fingers in his hands, four arms, very big eyes, long mouth, and green body.

They traveled space by them space ship. They received some trabbles when Buzz drive this ship after Zip slept. For exanple, they meet black holes and space pirates. It is very dangerous. I was excited when I read this book.

Finally, they escaped this trabbles. It is happy end. I want to read books like this excited stories.

[131 words]


Reily Carmel& Young Karen. Buzz Takes Over. 2007. South Melbourne : Thomson Learning Australia


New Year

A Happy New Year!!

This is a new year's day. 2012 start at today. Japanese say today Gantan. I want to many new things in this year.

I have a goal of 2012. It are two types. First, I study English more. I think a duty for students is studying hard. So, I want to study English hard and many types of English subject. Second, I want to play music well. I belong music circle. It perform Latin musics. Next year, I'll be the highest year in guitar part in this circle. So, I'll play difficult musics and increase guitar solo. I want to be a good senior and speciem for juniors in this circle.

There are two years only to be able to be a student. So, I want to fun to rest time. I want to do my best this year with my two goals for this year.

[153 words]