
New Year

A Happy New Year!!

This is a new year's day. 2012 start at today. Japanese say today Gantan. I want to many new things in this year.

I have a goal of 2012. It are two types. First, I study English more. I think a duty for students is studying hard. So, I want to study English hard and many types of English subject. Second, I want to play music well. I belong music circle. It perform Latin musics. Next year, I'll be the highest year in guitar part in this circle. So, I'll play difficult musics and increase guitar solo. I want to be a good senior and speciem for juniors in this circle.

There are two years only to be able to be a student. So, I want to fun to rest time. I want to do my best this year with my two goals for this year.

[153 words]

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