
BR 2-14: Thomas Edison (Reilly)

I'll talk about a story of this book.

This book is wrote about Thomas Edison. I know Thomas Edison, but I know him little. I know he make electronic light with bamboo, and he couldn't answer about 1 plus 1.

This book tell me many things about Thomas Edison which I haven't known him for twenty years. For example, his job was selling newspapers on trains and work telegraph machines.

Other, he developed many useful developments. For example, he developed his printing telegraph, a phonograph, p phonograph with boxes of records, an early telephone, a knitegraph. I don't know about these development. I didn't know Edison development these.

I think Thomas Edison is the greatest developper in the world. He developed these useful developments, because I think Edison is the greatest developper in this world.

[140 words]

Carmel Carmel.Thomas Edison. 2007. South Melbourne : Thomson Learning Australia

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