
BR 2-15: Mercury and the Woodcutter (Reilly& Mitchell)

I'll talk about a story of this book.

I have read a story like this story. Japanese say like this story 'Kin no Ono, Gin no Ono.' The different of that story and this story is god and fairy. God appears in front of woodcutter when woodcutter falt his axe. However, in another story, a fairy appears in front of woodcutter when he falt his axe.

When I was children, I like his story, and I want to be a honest man. The woodcutter is a honest man in this story. I want to be a honest man after read this book. Thing like this story maybe happen someday. I believe this thing.

[113 words]

Reilly Carmel& Mitchel-Wallace Jane.Mercury and the Woodcutter. 2007.
South Melbourne : Thomson Learning Australia

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