
My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is Toy Story series. It is made by Disney. When I watched the first of this series, I was six years old. It is the first time to watch that series. When I watched that movie, I was shocked by that movie. It was very funny. I became a fan of that movie. When I heard that a second series was made, I was very happy. I watched the second movie as soon as that movie was telecast with my mother. Last year, the third series was telecast. I wanted to watch that movie. However, I couldn't watch that movie, because I forgot watching that movie, and I didn't have money. In August in this year, I could that movie.I watched that movie with Blue-lay Disc. I was very happy, but I had sad emotion, because Toy Story 3 is last series of that movie. I wanted that series more. That movie was very funny. I want DVDs of that series.

[168 words]

Essays 2-02b: Two Types of Robin Hood

We’ll talk about two types of movies, Robin Hood. They are Disney and a picture of an actual event.There are very funny movies.

We watched a picture of an actual event of Robin Hood. We had three favorite points of this movie. First, We liked battle scenes in this movie. At the end of this movie, Robin fought with Prince John with each swords. That scene is my favorite battle scene. Last scene of this battle, Robin won. That scene made our excited. It was so real. Specially, sounds of swords bumping against. It is one of my favorite scene.

Second, We like characters in this movie. They has each very strong personalities. They were very funny characters. Some different points of Disney’s and this movie were characters of this movie was all humans. Another, there were Arabian man. We think he is the best different point from Disney movie. He is a specially man and he is a very important person at this movie.

Third, We like a story at this movie. The tempo of this movie is very quickly. This movie was easy to watch. If you like action, you would like this story of this movie. This movie is very funny.

We tell you about one of the impressive scenes in this movie depicted an archery contest in the movie world. This movie was very good. Robin Hood changed another man. Robin Hood was a fox. Another man was a sea mew. But Robin Hood was very good archer in the world. Robin Hood was won in this a bow contest, but this contest was confused. Robin Hood was look like featival. He was very good.

The funniest scene in the Disney version was the one in which, we tell you about Princess John was crying in this movie. Princess John was became mother complex. We did not look a his mother. His mother was very kind to him. So his mother love to him. Princess John always sucked a finger, thinking of mother. This scene was very funny.

This movie is our favorite scene. We likes this movies. Robin hood was very good hero in the country. He was justiced so people really believe to him.

[376 words]


My Favorite High School Memory

My favorite high school memory is school trip to Hokkaido. This was a first time to go to Hokkaido. We went to there to ski, sightseeing. First and second day, we skied in mountain. I don't remenber the name of that place. When I was junior high school student, I skied in Hiroshima. So, ski was easy thing for me. However, skiing in Hokkaido was funner than skiing in Hiroshima. Skiing in Hokaido was very funny, because the course in Hokkaido was very long and there were some funny areas. For example, there were some hills of a steep slope, some curve in the road, some short cut courses, and so on. It was the funniest thing in my life. Last day, we went to Otaru in Hokkaido to sightseeing. Otaru is famous for a music box, seafood. There was a bis music box shop. I bought a music box for my family. It has very beautiful tone. If I had some money to buy music box, I would buy a music box. I ate scallop in there. It was big and very tasty. Hokkaido is very funny place. I want to go there again in someday.

[198 words]

BR 2-09: The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (Arengo& Aldous)

I'll tell you about a story of this book.

This book is very interesting. I like a type book like this book. This book compares the country person with the town person.

There are two mice in this book. The town mouse and the country mouse are good friend. However, they doesn't like a place where they each live. This is a point that I thout this book is interested. One mouse like a plece where he live, but that mouse doesn't like a place where another mouse live.

The completely same thing occur each place. So I think this book is very interesing. Foe example, they cannot sleep another place, they doesn't like food of another place, and so on.

In the end of this story, the country mouse says my home is the best place. I think so. I'm difficult to sleep in other place where I don't know. I like food of my hometown, Nagasaki. I sometimes want to back to Nagasaki and eat them foods.

This book tells some interested things. If you wanted to know things like this story, please read this book.

[194 words]


Arengo Sue& Aldous Kate. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. (1998) Oxford : Oxford University Press

BR 2-08: Chicken Licken (Punter& Kronheimer)

I'll talk about a story of this book.

This story is a funny story. The all characters of this book are animals, and almost all the characters are birds. There are chicken, hen, cock, duck, goose, turkey, and fox. Chicken Licken which misunderstand chicken is a hero of this story. For example, when he was hit an acorn his head, he thought sky was falling that time. When I read that scene, I thought he was so cute. After that, they ran to king place with many birds. That birds were honesty. They believed what Chicken Licken said. They were so unique.

After, a fox was going to eat them. However, an acorn hit the fox's head. After that, he thought sky is falling, too. And he ran to a hole where he lives. It is a my favorite point of this book. I thought the fox misunderstand like Chicken Licken. It is so funny for me.

That animals are very unique animals. This book is cute and funny.

Punter Russell& Kronheimer Ann. Chicken Licken. (2007) London : Usborne

[171 words]


BR 2-07: I WISH (Gabolinscy& Dani)

I'll talk you about this story.

This story is a adventure story. Three students who hate reading and writing at school go to Pacific Ocean. They were enjoying sailing in Pacific Ocean in the beginning. I regarded them who can sail the Pacific Ocean as enviable. However, it turned bad weather and them boat rolled upside down. It was pitiful. After that, they found a small island . I haven't been small island. I had been medium-size island only for 20 years I live.

This story had some surprise points. In the end of this story, a giant genie appeared over there. I was surprised by that. I didn't think a giant genie appears. It is a surprise point. He could grant them one wish each. So, two students were granted them wish each. However, the last student didn't have a wish. And he has invited them who were able to return to school to the island small again. I was surprised, too! This is the second surprise point in this story.

This story has many surprise points. This book is just a joyful book. This book is pleasant to read. I want to read like this book.

[202 words]

Gabolisnscy Jack& Dani Sue. I WISH. (2007) South Melbourne : Thomson Learning Australia

BR 2-06: The Little Red Hen (Davidson& Postgate)

I'll tell you about this story.

This is a animal story. A heroine of this story is a hen which is called Little red hen. I think this story is a pretty story when I started to read this story.

She has three best friends. They are cat, duck, and rat. They are sly and idlers. In this story, she drew wheat and cooked bread with that wheat. They didn't help her, but they would to eat bread after she cooked bread. I thought they were sly and idlers.

She grew wheat and cooked bread with that wheat in the paragraph in front of one. In the end of this story, she ate that bread which she cooked. I think that it is being explained that this book has that reward to those who are doing their best. Actually, her best friends couldn't eat her bread. I want to be doing my best for everything in future.

This book tells a wonderful things for us. After read this book, you will think 'I want to be doing my best.' Please read this book.

[186 words]

Davidson Susanna& Postgate Daniel. The Little Red Hen. (2006) London : Usborne


The Last Day of Takuma Festival and After Party

I'll talk you about the last day of Takuma festival and after party.

That day was very excite. Some judges came our classroom! They examined our music. They compare our music with music of other music club. We were nervous by coming them, but we weren't defeated and perform our music with joyful. When they came there, I didn't perform music. However, I heaped up other my club members. It was so joyful. We sold all curry. Curry was sold out in second day of this school festival, too. I was so happy, too. However, I had be used up all spoons by my mistake on the way to sell curry. I run to buy spoons to some supermarkets. When I came back classroom, I was tired. However, I sold curry with tenacity.

After finished this school festival, after party was held in ground of KGU. When that time, it was rain. I was anxious about holding that. However, that was held. After party was very fun. In that party, many award was announced. Music award is one thing of them. When the best of music award was announced, I was nervous.

The best of music award was our club! I was so happy when our club was announced to this award. I want to get this award next year. I think we can get this award next year, too! I love my club! 

[237 words]


Work in Kengun Shrine

Yesterday, I worked a part-time job in Kengun shrine. A part time-job is traffic control in a parking lot of Kengun shrine.

We started it at 8 o'clock in morning. I felt strong sleep. In the start of that, there were a few cars. It was safe to use a parking lot only. I worked in the front approach to Kengun shrine. So, I didn't have work in first time. However, in the afternoon, many cars came there. That time was so hard. I had heavy pain to my leg and the small of the back. I spoke loudly at all time in that time. So, there is little pain to my the throat now. In the end of that work, times increased little by little. When that time, we talkd. After finished a part- time job, we were given money of this work. We were given 8000 yen.

After that, I went to downtown and I bought some cloths for this winter. Other, I bought a tool for guitar.

We work in there every years. I worked there last year, too. This part-time job is Tuesday, too. I'll work that time,too. I want to work hard.

[205 words]

My Favorite Dish

My favorite dish is Chinese dishes. The most my favorite Chinese dish is a post sticker. Japanese call it gyoza. Gyoza has meat. When I eat gyoza, we can drink meat juices. This is a point of my favorite. I want to cook gyoza someday. I love gyoza, but we fell hot when we eat them. So, we must be careful when eat them. There is a gyoza shop near my house. I often go there when I have time and some money. That shop is the most delicious gyoza shop in Kumamoto. I felt so happy when I heard that thing. Gyoza from that shop is very tasty.I want you to go this shop.I sugges to this shop. I want to eat gyoza everyday.

[127 words]


Essay 2-01b: My Hometown

My favorite place is in Nagasaki, the prefecture where I was born in 1991,12,13. It is my hometown, and there is my favorite place. I was born on a medium-sized island which is called Oshima.

Nagasaki has some fun places. Foe example, there are the Nagasaki Bio park and House-tenboss.

First, Nagasaki Bio Park is a zoo. This place is a zoo which is few and rarely in Japan. We can touch some animals. For example, we can touch many sized turtlrs, wallabies, capiballas, and so on. Another, we can feed many animals which are there. It is a rarely experience. However, it is so far from Nagasaki city. We must go there by car, bus or taxi, but that place is very fun place for everyone.  Children specially can be happy so much.

Second, House-tenboss is which a theme park is like Holland. There are big  windmills and cute tulips. It is beautiful. You will feel that I’m in Holland now, if you go there. We can buy many “One Piece” goods there. It is the largest One Piece goods shop in Japan. If you like One Piece, please go there and buy them. I think you will be able to be excited and happy so much.

There is thing only in Nagasaki. It is many and hardship slopes. Many slopes are famous in Nagasaki. There were some hardship to walk to walk on slopes. It is very hard. I don’t want to walk on slopes. Other, Nagasaki has streetcars, but it isn’t things only in Nagasaki. There are streetcars in Kagoshima, Kumamoto, and many place have, too! Many people who live in Nagasaki use streetcars. Streetcars are major vehicle in Nagasaki. When I was high school student, I used streetcars to go high school many times. A streetcars fee is cheap. Streetcars are very useful thing for people who live in Nagasaki. I think people who live in Nagasaki are the best of passengers who using streetcars in Japan. 

Nagasaki has many good foods. I’ll tell you about noodles stewed with meat and vegetables and sponge cake. Noodles stewed with meat and vegetables is a noodle dish. We call this chanpon. Many vegetables, meats, and sea foods are in this. Sponge cake is a dessert from Holland. It is like cake. Many people who live in Nagasaki sometimes eat it. Tha foods has good taste.

Nagasaki has many good things. For example, there are theme park, foods, rare things. They are too many things to all tell you. Please come to my favorite and home town, Nagasaki. You can make many good memories.  

[444 words] 


In Tamana

Last Thursday, I went to eat cakes biking to Tsukasa royal hotel in Tamana. I like sweets. So, I was excited by eating many cakes. In start of that, I felt strong happiness. I was so happy! However, in the end of that, it was so hard things for me. Eating many cakes isn't easy thing. It get more and more hard. I couldn't eat all cakes which I brought to my table. I left unfinished some cakes. I tried to eat cakes with drinking some coffee and tea. However, I couldn't eat them by that way. When we went to back, I ate that cakes with spirit. I thought people shouldn't eat many somethings to eat by food biking without restraint.

After that, we went to Jagatani park to play. We played on a very long slide. However, I was injured my hip. Other, we went up the summit of a mountain. In the start, we run to the summit of a mountain, but it get more and more hard. I wore myself out getting up to the summit of a mountain. However, the view of the summit of mountain was so beautiful. I want to go to there again.

[205 words]

Essays 2-02a: Group movie reviews

We'll tell you about two types of movies, "Robin Hood." We watched Disney's and a documentary. There were so funny movies. We’ll tell you about them!

My name is Takahiro Yamasaki. I watched documentary of Robin Hood. I had three favorite things after watched this movie. First, I liked battle scenes of this movie. In the end of this movie, Robin fought with Prince John with sabers. Last scene of this battle, Robin won. That scene made me excited. It was so real. Specially, sounds of sabers bumping against. It is one of my favorite scene.

Second, I like characters of this movie. They have very strong personality. They are so funny characters. Different points of Disney’s and documentary are characters of this movie is all humans. Other, there are Arabian man. I think he is the largest different point. He is a specially man and he is a very important person this movie.

Last, I like story of this movie. It has speed. This movie is easy to watch. If you like action, you would like this story of this movie. This movie is so funny and ardent movie.

We tell you about No.1 of a bow convention. This movie scene is very good. Robin Hood changed another man. This story Robin Hood is a fox. Another man was a sea mew. But Robin Hood was very good archer in the world. Robin Hood was win in this a bow convention. But this convention was confused.Robin Hood was like festival. He is very good.

Next, we tell you about Princess John was cried scene. Princess John was mother complex. We don't look a his mother. We think, His mother was very kind in his family for him. So his mother loved for him. Princess John always sucks a finger, thinking of a mother. This scene was very funny.

This is our favorite scene. We like this movie again. We think, Robin Hood was very good hero in the country. He was a justice so People really believe for him.

[347 words]

My Favorite Animal

I'll talk you about my favorite animal. My favorite animal is cats. Cats make me tender. Cats often sleep around places. I like sleepimg, too. Some people talk me you are looks like cats. I want to keep cat, but I cannot keep them, because apart which I live now isn't allow keeping any animals. If I move to house which is allowed keeping animals, I would keep cats. Other, the animal I hate is big dogs. I can touch small dogs, but I cannot touch big dogs. When I was 12 years old, I was chased by a big dog. I was gave a trauma by that thing. I want to conquer that trauma, but it is so difficult. Now, I can touch small dogs only. Someday, I want to touch big dogs.

[136 words]

Second Day of Takuma Festival

I'll talk you the second day of Takuma festival. There was a big thing for me in that day. It is that all curries which prepared for second day were selled. It is very happiness thing for me, because I was a captain of bazzar team. There were good taste curry and very spicy curry. Spicy curry were too spicy to eat all. Performing music was good. I could perform music many time. I was joyful. However, I had bad point. It is that we can made curry at the time which we would start performing our music. I thought we had to make curry more speedy.  However, visiters ate them looks like they are tasty. I was happy to look them face. It is the second day of Takuma festival.

[132 words]


BR 2-05: Inside the Gate (Reilly& Mitchel)

I'll talk you about a story of this book.

This story of this book is interested in green and tells us a thing which be needed by present people.If it says simply, this story is a green story. Green in this story is some plants. For example, they are woods, fruits, grasses, and so on.

I think this story is spreaded in South Africa from pictures in this book. Other, this book touch global warming by no green.

This story is a tender story. However, this book tells us importantly of green in the earth in this time. In this book, many people planted some plants on nothing place. Nothing place had dirt only, but plants which many people planted grew powerful and made fields which people hoped place. In the last of this story, a girl brought some plants and fruits to her home.

I think this book tells a important things for present people. We must refer to this book  for prizing the earth which we are living.
[172 words]

Reilly Carmel& Wallace-Mitchel Jane. Inseide the Gate. (2007) South Melbourne : Thomson Learning Australia


Takuma Festival

Last week, a school festival which is called "Takuma festival" was held three days in KGU. It ws held October 28 to 30. I'll talk you about preparing day for Takuma festival and the forst day of Takuma festival.

In  prepaing day, we were very busy and felt hard tired. We carried some heavy tiered platforms. Other, we must  carry many desks from classroom which we use to other classroom. Other, we must spread crrugated cardboard when put tiered platforms. We hadn't  to damage walls and floor of classroom which  we use. We used long time to prepare for Takuma festival.

In  the first day of Takuma festival, we gathered in front of building number 4 in early morning. I wanted to sleep. However, we practiced to perform for many visiter and we had to win the best award of music. Other, I had to make many curry rice.

When I made curry rice, I was very busy, bacause we didn't have time. The time of making curry was so short. So we had to make curry hurry. Many vegetables in curry were little hard, but curry was very good taste.

Performing our music was very joyful for me. However, I performed music one time only. I had discontent about that. I asked our conducter what I want to perform music more. 

It was the first day and preparing day. I want to talk you about second day and last day of Takuma festival on and after tomorrow.

[251 words]


My Favorite Season

My favorite season is spring. Spring is warm. I feel good feelings and get sleep every spring. If I wasn't careful, I would sleep at any time. I like sleep in warm climate. Other, many cherry blossoms bloom every springs. They bloom beautiful flowers. I like cherry blossoms, because there are very beautiful flowers. We can do flower viewing every spring. I like flower viewing. Flower viewing is funny event. In my club, we do flower viewing with new members of my club. We cement a friendship in this event. Other, many new things start in this season. I'm excited by them. And, I'm anxious by them, too. However, I think we should be enjoy them, I'm doing joy them.

[124 words]