
Essays 2-02b: Two Types of Robin Hood

We’ll talk about two types of movies, Robin Hood. They are Disney and a picture of an actual event.There are very funny movies.

We watched a picture of an actual event of Robin Hood. We had three favorite points of this movie. First, We liked battle scenes in this movie. At the end of this movie, Robin fought with Prince John with each swords. That scene is my favorite battle scene. Last scene of this battle, Robin won. That scene made our excited. It was so real. Specially, sounds of swords bumping against. It is one of my favorite scene.

Second, We like characters in this movie. They has each very strong personalities. They were very funny characters. Some different points of Disney’s and this movie were characters of this movie was all humans. Another, there were Arabian man. We think he is the best different point from Disney movie. He is a specially man and he is a very important person at this movie.

Third, We like a story at this movie. The tempo of this movie is very quickly. This movie was easy to watch. If you like action, you would like this story of this movie. This movie is very funny.

We tell you about one of the impressive scenes in this movie depicted an archery contest in the movie world. This movie was very good. Robin Hood changed another man. Robin Hood was a fox. Another man was a sea mew. But Robin Hood was very good archer in the world. Robin Hood was won in this a bow contest, but this contest was confused. Robin Hood was look like featival. He was very good.

The funniest scene in the Disney version was the one in which, we tell you about Princess John was crying in this movie. Princess John was became mother complex. We did not look a his mother. His mother was very kind to him. So his mother love to him. Princess John always sucked a finger, thinking of mother. This scene was very funny.

This movie is our favorite scene. We likes this movies. Robin hood was very good hero in the country. He was justiced so people really believe to him.

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