
Essays 2-02a: Group movie reviews

We'll tell you about two types of movies, "Robin Hood." We watched Disney's and a documentary. There were so funny movies. We’ll tell you about them!

My name is Takahiro Yamasaki. I watched documentary of Robin Hood. I had three favorite things after watched this movie. First, I liked battle scenes of this movie. In the end of this movie, Robin fought with Prince John with sabers. Last scene of this battle, Robin won. That scene made me excited. It was so real. Specially, sounds of sabers bumping against. It is one of my favorite scene.

Second, I like characters of this movie. They have very strong personality. They are so funny characters. Different points of Disney’s and documentary are characters of this movie is all humans. Other, there are Arabian man. I think he is the largest different point. He is a specially man and he is a very important person this movie.

Last, I like story of this movie. It has speed. This movie is easy to watch. If you like action, you would like this story of this movie. This movie is so funny and ardent movie.

We tell you about No.1 of a bow convention. This movie scene is very good. Robin Hood changed another man. This story Robin Hood is a fox. Another man was a sea mew. But Robin Hood was very good archer in the world. Robin Hood was win in this a bow convention. But this convention was confused.Robin Hood was like festival. He is very good.

Next, we tell you about Princess John was cried scene. Princess John was mother complex. We don't look a his mother. We think, His mother was very kind in his family for him. So his mother loved for him. Princess John always sucks a finger, thinking of a mother. This scene was very funny.

This is our favorite scene. We like this movie again. We think, Robin Hood was very good hero in the country. He was a justice so People really believe for him.

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